Dart & Flutter for Beginners

Would you like to learn Flutter & Dart to create unique multi-platform applications? If your answer is yes, then you are in the right place.

Through this course, you will learn the basics of the Dart programming language, and then we will move into learning Flutter.

We will start using DartPad, and then, as we progress, we will learn to use an IDE like Android Studio or Visual code to create more complex apps.

  1. Introduction
  2. Flutter & Dart
  3. Hello World in DartPad
  5. Variables & constants
  6. Data types
  7. The null value
  8. Concatenation & interpolation
  9. Arithmetic Operators
  10. Compound assignment arithmetic operators
  11. Operator precedence
  12. Increment & decrement operators: ++ & --
  13. Decision making: if else
  14. Decision making: if, else-if, else
  15. Decision making: ?? & ?
  16. Relational operators: ==, !=, >=, <=, > & <
  17. Logical Operators: ||, &&, & !
  18. Exercises & solutions part 1
  19. Decision making: switch case
  20. Collections: List
  21. Collections: Map
  22. Loops: while
  23. Loops: do-while
  24. Loops: for
  25. Loops: break & continue
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